Guest Database
The GUESTS tab in the Guest App opens to the guest database page.
You can see a list of guests with their names, email addresses, lifetime spend, total stays, and total nights.
Use the search bar above the list on the left to find guests by name, email, or confirmation code. On the right, you can search by check-in date. The settings cog allows you to customize your view.
Click on a guest's name to open and view their guest profile.
Guest profile
The top of the guest profile is a static section that includes the guest's name and main contact information, And then four boxes that offer information about past stay data, including number of stays, average nights per stay, their ADR, and lifetime spend.
Within the guest page navigate between the tabs to learn more about your guest and their behaviors.
Profile tab
The PROFILE tab holds personal information about the guest and contact information as well as their loyalty tier information, subscription status, and notes. Click the pencil icon in the subscriptions box to edit subscriptions, and the + icon in the notes box to add a new note. Hover over the numbers next to the email address and phone number to see other contact information that is available for this guest.
Reservations tab
The RESERVATIONS tab shows details about the guests' next stay and a list of all reservations made in the past and in the future including details about spa, golf or restaurant reservations.
Click the settings cog on the right side of the table to customize the columns.
Preferences Tab
The PREFERENCES tab shows you the guest's preferences pulled from your guest preferences questionnaire in marketing, if a questionnaire has been set up.
Feedback tab
The FEEDBACK tab holds all of the Revinate survey feedback the guest has submitted from past stays.
Engagement tab
The ENGAGEMENT tab is a record of the guest's engagement with Revinate-based marketing campaigns.
Transactions Tab
The TRANSACTION tab will show information about transactions that your guest has made at your property, golf course, spa or restaurant.
Other Tab
The OTHER tab will include more information about the profile including any contact lists, segments and user defined fields that the profile is part of.