When viewing some of your reporting and reviewing your TripAdvisor popularity index, you might see a 0%. This will occur when your property is ranked #1 out of a market of 1 hotel. To get a percentage for the TripAdvisor Popularity Index, the calculation uses your TripAdvisor rank and the number of hotels in your market according to TripAdvisor [1 - Property Rank/Market Size].
Please note that if your property is also the lowest ranking within your TripAdvisor market, this can also result in a 0% (ex. your property is ranked #2 of 2 hotels in Las Vegas, the calculation would be 1-2/2=0).
You will find the TripAdvisor popularity index percentile metric in the following Reputation reports:
- Custom reports
- Corporate Property-Ranking Report
- GS2 Reports (both corporate and property level) - the TripAdvisor popularity percentile can be found on the first page of the property level GS2 report in the property and competitive overview tables. Corporate GS2, you will see this on the 5th tab under ‘Property Details’ on the very far right, under ‘percentile’
Here's an example of a hotel ranked #1 out of a market of 1 property on TripAdvisor.
Example of a hotel in a Corporate GS2 report that shows a TripAdvisor Popularity Index of 0%.