Permissions: Only survey administrators can change survey settings. Click here to learn more.
Whether you are an independent hotel or a hotel chain you are able to set up different surveys to send to your guests. These can be for specific guest segments or in the case of hotel groups to customize the survey per property.
To create a new survey, first, ensure that you have survey editing rights.
1. To create a new survey or edit a survey go to the “SURVEYS” tab and select “Survey Editor”
2. To create a new survey select “CREATE NEW SURVEY”
3. A pop-up module will appear. This is where you will edit the settings of the new survey.
New survey settings
1. Select the survey type
2. Name the survey. This is for internal use only.
3. Select from the drop-down menu if the survey will be based on a survey you already have or a blank survey.
4. Upload your header, choosing an image from your computer. The ideal size for the header image is 840x180 pixels.
5. Add the greeting and confirmation messages. You can use the greeting message to ask your guests for their feedback and the confirmation message to thank them for their participation.
Adding survey questions
Now you can start adding your questions. There are two main types of questions: fixed questions and custom questions. Beyond those two you can create conditional questions.
Fixed questions
- If you want to add one of the fixed questions just tick the box “show on survey.” Please note that these questions cannot be edited so you cannot change the type or the name of the question.
- You have the option to make the question mandatory by ticking the box “required on survey.”
Custom questions
- The custom questions are organized by topic so you will need to add a topic first and then add the question. To learn how to edit survey topics and questions, please follow the steps indicated in the next guide: Edit Survey Topics and Questions.
Conditional questions
To add conditional questions, those that only appear depending on the guest answer to the previous question, check this guide: Create a conditional survey question
Survey Translations
If you send your survey in different languages you can add the different translations in this Survey Editor page. Please note that in order to add a language you need to have that language activated on your Translation Settings page. To learn how to add or remove languages please see Translate Your Surveys To Deliver Them In Up To 25 Different Languages
Once you have the languages turned on you can add the translation by clicking on the "Translate" button:
Assigning the survey
After creating your survey you will need to assign it to the right segment, property or group from the Assign survey tab.
Property Level
If your surveys are managed at the property level, just select from the first drop-down menu the survey and from the second menu the segment you want to send this survey to.
Corporate Level
If your surveys are managed at the corporate level, the Assign survey section will allow you to assign a survey for a specific property or property group as well as assign surveys to specific segments.
To learn more about guest segments and how to create them, please check the following guide Guest segments for surveys.