Once Revinate’s algorithm has merged duplicate profiles, a green icon will appear to the left of a guest’s name in their Rich Guest Profile. This what you can use to distinguish which profiles are made up of multiple, merged profiles:
If you hover your mouse over the green icon, it will say that this is a merged profile. You’ll also have the option to click on “Report an issue.” If you think something doesn’t look right, you can click that button and a window will pop up in which you can indicate what the issue is. This will send an email directly to the Revinate Support team with the correctly linked profile so that they can troubleshoot.
Rich Guest Profile FAQ
How does Revinate determine which will be the “winning” fields that are displayed in a guest’s Rich Guest Profile?
When choosing the primary email address for a merged profile made up of multiple email addresses, we give weight and preference to a subscribed, reachable, and valid email address whenever possible. Since email marketing is a core focus of the Revinate platform, we want to ensure that you’re always able to market to your guests.
For other fields, such as an address, phone number, title, and company, we take the most recently updated information, as long as it’s not blank.
To determine which first name and last name will be the “winners,” we look at the most common name that appears in the merged profiles. For example, if Nicholas appears 3 times and Nick only once, the winning name for this guest’s profile will be Nicholas.
However, although we are choosing a winning data point for each field of a Rich Guest Profile, all of the fields of the merged profiles will be indexed in a search. Therefore, if you were to look up a guest by any field in one of the merged profiles, the Revinate system will still pull up the correct clean profile that contains that merged information, even if that data is not visible on the front-end of the Rich Guest Profile. We want to make you comfortable that, no matter what, you’ll be able to find the right person.
For example, if Nicholas Ferris has booked 4 times as Nicholas and 1 time as Nick Ferris, his Rich Guest Profile will display “Nicholas” as his first name. However, because there’s a duplicate profile with the first name “Nick” that we’ve merged into his Rich Guest Profile if you were to look him up by “Nick,” the correct Rich Guest Profile will show up.
Can I see which Rich Guest Profiles are merged profiles?
Yes, you can. Rich Guest Profiles that are made up of more than one profile will have a green icon to the left of the guest’s name, which will designate it as a merged profile.
Can I reverse a merge?
No, customers cannot reverse a profile merge. If there are any issues, you can hover your mouse over the green icon to the left of the guest’s name in their Rich Guest Profile and click on “Report an issue.” A pop-up window will appear in which you can describe the problem. Once you hit send, the Revinate Support team will be notified so that they can troubleshoot and revert back to you with a solution.
Can I report a merge mistake in a guest’s Rich Guest Profile?
It is highly unlikely that the Revinate algorithm will make a mistake since it is trained to be extra conservative about merges. When it is unsure of a potential merge, it will default to “asking” a human for help. That is when a Revinate team comes in and reviews the data before making a final decision on whether to approve the merge or not. In either case, this further trains our algorithm.
However, if an issue does occur, you can hover your mouse over the green icon to the left of the guest’s name in their Rich Guest Profile and click on “Report an issue.” A pop-up window will appear in which you can describe the problem. Once you hit send, the Revinate Support team will be notified so that they can troubleshoot and revert back to you with a solution.
Note: Transactional emails (Confirmation, Modification, and Cancellation), and most stay related emails (Pre-Arrival, Welcome, and We Miss You) will always go to the email address listed on the reservation, whether or not that email address is the primary email address in the guest's Rich Guest Profile. The same logic applies to Double Opt-In emails. OTA Winback emails are considered promotional emails, therefore, they will be sent to the primary email address in the guest's Rich Guest Profile.